As you may be aware Australia is experiencing some extreme weather conditions across the Northern Territory, New South Wales and Tasmania. As precautionary measures and to ensure road access safety there have been a number of closures across these regions.

Currently the main areas affected in Tasmania are Port Arthur, Mt Field National Park and Freycinet National Park. In New South Wales affected areas are located in the Western region and South Coast parks. We are also continuing to monitor closures in Watarrka National Park, Northern Territory.

Any park or site closures effecting departing tours will have amended itinerates to accommodate for the current conditions on tour routes, but most importantly all tours are continuing to operate.

We are keeping in close contact with all tour partners to ensure safety is of the utmost importance and to ensure there are still considerations in place for alterations to existing itinerates if they are required.

As weather conditions continue to change Adventure Tours are committed to monitoring the situation across all states and our thoughts are with those in affected communities.

If you have any queries on particular tours please contact customerservice@adventuretours.com.au.